Webarchitects sell, host and maintain domain names and associated services for clients.
Our domain name service is primarily designed for clients who do not have the technical ability to, or wish to not have the hassle of, maintaining their DNS records — we set up, maintain and update all the DNS entries you need (for example sub-domains and MX records etc.).
For clients wishing to maintain their own DNS records we offer
access for updating bind zone files, for more on our
services see Co-operative Git Hosting.
Domain Name Registries require customer name, address, email address and other personal identifiable data. To supply domain names we must share that data with the Domain Name Registrars, so they can pass it through to the Registry. In most cases this is hidden from public records of domain names. Please ask if you want more information about this or see our GDPR privacy-notice.
See the domain name renewal policy for our terms and the domain name help page for information about our DNS servers and how to set things up.
We are DotCooperation Partners
and can register .coop
domains on behalf of clients and
members, see The .COOP
Global Directory & Map for some of the existing co-operatives
using the .coop
top-level domain.
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